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How to Be a Good Leader & Business Owner

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you’ve probably come to recognize that influencing and leading the people of your organization has a ripple effect on your business’ success – in your teams, your organization, yourself, and your bottom line. Employees are happier, more productive, and more loyal to an organization with great leaders. If you want to learn how to be a good leader as a business owner (or manager), you’ve come to the right place! BIG’s success is all founded on effective leadership, so let us share some tips on how to be a good leader. 

How to be a Good Leader: Open, Real & Honest Communication

Arguably, the first and most important tip on how to be a good leader is to have clear, genuine, and straightforward communication with your team. Take the time to learn your team members’ preferred styles and methods of communication to shape your interactions according to individual needs. As the leader, you must set the example of honesty and transparency if your employees are going to reciprocate.

How to Be a Good Leader: Cultivate Connection with your Team Members

The more you know your team, the more you can empower them to succeed. Leadership qualities such as positivity, empathy, purpose, compassion, humility – these are the traits you should bring into your conversations. Get to know each employees’ personalities, strengths, weaknesses, interests, and passions; this will enable you to build a culture of trust, and also give insight into their goals and motivations. Strong team connections build trust and accountability, boost confidence, and produce outstanding performance in your team.

A Good Leader Encourages Personal and Professional Growth

You want to know how to be a good leader? Invest in your employees’ learning. Whether it’s training for new skills, developing existing ones, or even encouraging healthy lifestyle opportunities – inspiring your team to take on a new challenge boosts confidence, increases effectiveness, and gives a sense of accomplishment. When you believe in your staff and allow freedom and creativity, you might be surprised at how much they accomplish.

How to Be a Good Leader: Stay Positive

As a leader, you know all too well that things don’t always go as planned. From minor mishaps to major mistakes, an effective leader remains positive. Instead of focusing on the problem itself, focus on the solution and find a few optimistic outcomes to shift your mindset. When you demonstrate positivity in problem solving, this leadership quality will develop a positive work environment for your team where they can confidently find solutions.

A Good Leader Teaches Instead of Giving Orders

One of the tips on how to be a good leader is to not be afraid to get your hands dirty for the sake of a teachable moment. Inspire your team with a more hands-on approach to show them what is required – not to control – but to coach and teach them. Encourage them to be collaborative and creative. Equip them to recognize their options, invite the expertise of others, make the best decisions, and take ownership of their work.

How to Be a Good Leader: Set Clear Goals & Expectations

No one likes the frustration of a moving target; clear goals and expectations are key to employee success. If you’re wanting to learn how to be a good leader, explaining the company vision and team goals will help them see how their work contributes to the BIG picture move forward together. When you set clear goals, you can track progress and celebrate wins. Regularly revisit goals and invite employee questions and feedback to boost morale.

A Good Leader Gives Direct Feedback

Deadlines and performance reviews are great and all, but if you aren’t giving honest and constructive feedback, your employee won’t know how to improve. Celebrate successes and accomplishments and frame them in the context of your business’ overall goals. When your team understands how their work contributes to the whole organization, positive recognition will yield even greater longevity and productivity.

How to Be a Good Leader: Welcome Feedback & New Ideas

True self-assessment of your leadership is not easy. If you want to improve as a good leader, look to mentors, coaches, fellow professionals, and your own staff to provide critical insight to your effectiveness. Lean into your team’s perspectives and be open to receiving feedback.

The same goes for being open to new ideas. Change is inevitable and a good leader will embrace that. Include your team in the process of innovation – someone else’s perspective could be the key to your business’ success. When they are encouraged to bring new perspectives to the table, they are empowered to be more innovative and are more invested in company growth.

How to Be a Good Leader: Know What Energizes & Motivates You

Know the ‘why’ behind your leadership and what energizes you. Are you motivated by money and status? Inspiring people to grow? Making a difference in the world? Be honest with yourself about your desires as a leader and clearly define your vision. Also be aware of your own strengths and weakness so that you build a diverse team that supports areas outside your realm of expertise.

Now that you have these tips of how to be a good leader, understand that developing leadership and business skills will take time, hard work, and dedication. Get more tips on how to be a successful small business owner on our blog. When you invest your time and finances into your business, a good business insurance policy is crucial to your success. Trust BIG’s expert commercial brokers to manage the unique risks your business will face. Contact us today so we can find the right options to protect your business.

By: Amy Legault