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Insurance for Life’s Milestones: Understand Your Coverage Needs During Major Life Changes

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Life is a journey filled with milestones and transitions, each marking a significant chapter in your personal and financial growth. During these pivotal moments, it's crucial to reassess your insurance coverage to ensure you have the right protection for yourself, your loved ones, and your assets. Let’s review valuable insights to help you navigate these milestones with confidence.

Best Age To Consider Life Insurance

The best age to consider life insurance primarily depends on individual circumstances and goals. While it's never too early to start thinking about life insurance, many financial experts suggest that the optimal time to consider purchasing a policy is in your late 20s or early 30s. At this stage, individuals often have fewer financial responsibilities, such as mortgages or dependents, and can secure coverage at lower rates and potentially access more favourable policy options.

Locking in a policy at a younger age can also protect against future health issues that may increase premiums or limit coverage options. However, everyone's situation is unique, so factors like marital status, dependents, and financial obligations should be taken into account when determining the ideal age to obtain life insurance coverage.

Changes In Life Insurance During Major Life Moments

Life insurance needs can evolve during significant life moments, adapting to your changing circumstances. Here's how life insurance can change during various milestones:


After getting married, you may need to increase your life insurance coverage to provide for your spouse's financial needs in the event of your death. Review your financial obligations, including joint debts, mortgage, and future goals, and adjust coverage amounts accordingly. You should also update the beneficiary designations to ensure your spouse is appropriately listed.

Pro Tip: Go through this Insurance Planning Checklist For Married Couples to make sure you don’t miss out on any relevant points to consider.


During a divorce, reassess your life insurance policies and make any necessary ownership or beneficiary changes to reflect your new circumstances. Update beneficiaries to align with your post-divorce wishes and ensure any obligations to former spouses are addressed.

Having Kids

Once you have dependants, such as a child or spouse, life insurance becomes essential. It ensures financial security and provides for your family’s needs in the event of your untimely death. With the addition of children, consider increasing your life insurance coverage to protect their financial well-being if you were to pass away. Coverage amounts should account for childcare expenses, education costs, and the financial needs of your dependents.

Incorporate life insurance into your estate planning to provide financial support for your children's guardians in case both parents pass away. Ensure the policy payout is sufficient to cover the costs of raising your children.

Buying a Home

When purchasing a home, assess your life insurance coverage to ensure it is sufficient to pay off the mortgage if you were to pass away. This protects your loved ones from the burden of mortgage payments and potential loss of the family home. Consider increasing your life insurance coverage to account for ongoing expenses associated with homeownership, such as property taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs.

Major Change in Income

A significant change in income, such as a promotion, career change, or starting a business, may warrant a review of your life insurance coverage. Ensure your coverage is sufficient to replace lost income and maintain your family's financial stability in case of your untimely death. If your income change is related to business ownership, reassess your life insurance needs to protect your business partners, employees, and the continuity of the business. Consider key person insurance, buy-sell agreements, or business succession plans that utilize life insurance to ensure a smooth transition in the event of your death. Here’s more about the Business Owner Policy.


As you approach retirement, reassess your life insurance needs. You may find that you no longer require the same level of coverage if your financial obligations have decreased and your retirement savings are adequate to support your spouse or dependents. Life insurance can play a role in estate planning, helping to provide liquidity for estate taxes or leaving a legacy for your loved ones. Consult with an estate planning professional to determine the appropriate life insurance coverage for your retirement years.

Life's milestones bring new adventures and challenges, and it's essential to reassess your insurance coverage to adapt to these changes. From determining the best age to consider life insurance to understanding how life insurance needs can change during major life moments, taking proactive steps to protect your loved ones and assets is crucial. Regularly review your policies, consult with insurance professionals, and update your coverage as necessary to ensure you are adequately protected.

Secure your future and protect what matters most by obtaining the right insurance coverage for life's milestones. Contact our insurance experts for a customized quote that caters to your specific needs.


By: Liz Stephenson